Make a Booking

FREE 15 minute Discovery call

This is a no obligation chat to see if you like my approach and if youโ€™d like to work with me?

Book online for your discovery call today.

An in-depth 90-minute Initial Consultation

Includes a 30-minute follow-up appointment where you will receive your Treatment Plan.

This option is suitable for more complex/chronic health conditions & follow-ups are usually monthly for as long as required.

Naturopathic Consultations $200


Initial Consultation (90 minutes) $200

Follow-Up appointments (45mins) $80

Weekly Subscription (20mins) $19.95

(to be booked following an Initial consult)

Initial Consultation $200 & Weekly coaching $19.95

This option is Perfect if youโ€™re looking to make dietary and lifestyle changes and would like regular support and coaching.

Research shows that we are more likely to stick to long-term lifestyle changes with regular support.

Book with Rachelle Today and get your Health back on Track